Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
At first news of a loved one's passing, everyone goes into overdrive preparing food for the stricken family.  Some of this food may be served to the houseguests after the funeral, but the bulk of it will go into the freezer for future family dinners in the coming weeks -- dinners on nights when the … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Hi Keith!   Thanks for asking such a thoughtful question.  I had an absolutely wonderful pregnancy!  I was in labor for 56 hours from start to finish, without any pain medication, and I didn't think it was that bad (I do have a very high pain tolerance). I'd have to say that the hardest part after having the … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Hi there Nomad! I have this problem as well, but my eye doctor told me they were one classic sign of migraines, an aura which sometimes accompany the headaches.  I still get the migraines (which were diagnosed by my neurologist), and I still see the little squiggly lines that I so lovingly (read: Am still terrified … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Hi Nassy!  This is a great question - really makes one think.   I would hope that some of those who knew me for any of my 48 years (including those few who wronged me for reasons they saw fit at the time) would find it in their hearts to say I was a nice, loving person, … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Hi there Kid!!  I certainly don't think you're up the creek!  Just who are those pessimists and who for the love of God let them in?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  LOL!  I had a similar problem some years ago (when I was younger AND patient, if you can imagine that!!  LOL!).  I just stood the fixture in a sink full of hot TAP water and … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Hi Nassy!  I hope you are feeling better. To each breed, their own issues; however, we've had no problems with our Boston terrier other than his love of running and bullying!  We bought my mom an Australian terrier (similar in looks to a Silky terrier or a Yorkie but smaller)  some 27 years ago, and her problem was … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Well, to the best of my recollection there are 5 classifications of tornadoes -- F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5.  There are also water spouts and dust devils, but according to what I learned way back in the dark ages, before there was dirt (LOL!), there were only the 5. Thanks for making me think today!! Jo
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Testing our long-term filing I see! LOL!!

Let's see ... Danny Gans (a performer here in Las Vegas), David Carradine, Andy Kauffman, John Belushi, Chris Farley, [I don't know about Jacko; hate to credit it to that prematurely], Freddie Prinze, Janis Ian, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger, Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Lenny Bruce, Paul … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
What an interesting question, Nassy.

Well, I could say that I'd like to be taller, smarter, or prettier. Maybe rich, more affluent, or not have MS, but then I wouldn't be where the Lord put me -- exactly where I'm supposed to be right now.

I have a loving husband, a … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Oh, grow up, Guest, a/k/a Vanessa! I don't know what cave you were brought up in missy, but not all Werewolves smell badly (some of my Werewolf friends like relaxing in a nice cool bath after a long, hard day or evening!), and not all of us Vampires go "nuts" if there's even one drop … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Good day Tiggs!

I've copied and pasted some info, but if you'd like to know more, please see:
What is cortisone?
Cortisone is a type of steroid that is produced naturally by a gland in your body called the adrenal gland. Cortisone is released from the adrenal gland when your … Read more
Jo W.
Jo W. answered question
Hi!  I hope this helps; it's straight from Miriam Webster's.    Main Entry:  suf·fuse    Pronunciation:">sə-ˈfyüz   Function:">transitive verb      Inflected Form(s):  suf·fused; suf·fus·ing  Etymology:  Latin">suffusus, past participle of">suffundere, literally, to pour beneath, … Read more