If you want to do it right -- then do it in ASSEMLY Language most right the code to C++ and then it transmitted through system perams to the CPU
My Computer is a short cut icon -- to hard drives and files on them
Explorer is software for file management -- Index of such
Windows, Apple, UNIX
These are the main Systems and there are many variations on these sytems
ie.. Win XP, Vista, Win7
Apple OS 10.0 10.2 10.3 these all have names of course
UNIX: Redhat, BSD, SUN Solaris, Linux,
Machine Registry: The file is encrypted - you need soft ware to read it
The sticker on the side of the computer
Machine Registry: The file is encrypted - you need soft ware to read it
The sticker on the side of the computer
Major Ones: 3.11 - Win95 - Win98 - Millenium(Very bad sys) Win2000 - XP - Vista - Win7
Windows Sever NT: NT 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.0, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2008R2