Alishan Samdani
Alishan Samdani answered question
Well a business can be financed through short and long term liabilities. These include loans from banks and other financial institutions. The other source of financing is the owner's equity which is the capital invested by the owner's of the company. They share the profits accordingly then. For limited businesses that are listed on the … Read more
Alishan Samdani
Alishan Samdani answered question
Having problems creating a hotmail account? Here's a straight-forward guide to opening a new Windows Live Account with Hotmail:

How to open a Hotmail account

The process is pretty simple, you just create a unique User ID, set a password, follow the verification process mentioned in the guide, and you're good to go!

Hope this helps.

Alishan Samdani
Alishan Samdani answered
Well lyrics of songs cannot be said to come from one source only. There are different sources from which the lyrics might originate. Yes you're right, some may depict real life experiences as well, but again there are many other sources. Many singers sing songs based on lyrics from old poetry, others base them on … Read more