Men can sometimes be controlong, and once they have they don't want to let you go.They might be afraid you might get influenced, or that you might develop strong fillings for a male friend of yours.You should re-assure him that that won't happen
When my brother got his GED,he could take a free practice test(not the exact on) just a practice one,but that was in LA,you might want to check with your school guidance office.Good Luck and I hope you pass!
I love to skateboard,and I think you should stand up to the cops,or the mayor,or someone important and get them to stop banning skateboarding,or to build a skatepark
We had a cheer named that,it went like:
Fired up,Fired up,fired up and up and up and up and up fired up
but I was in 5th grade @ that point so I don't know if its the same
My mom had the same thing happen in June,and the doctor said she might still had some gallstones left,so that might be the case here
Well the Greek meaning of your name is- Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the mystic goddess of an ancient Greek brotherhood.
And the Latin meaning is-Of Venus. Famous Bearers: British actress Vanessa Redgrave. Romance author Vanessa Grant.
Sorry for the double post,but I did some research and the origin of the name is:Celtic/Gaelic
Here's the website if you want to check it out
I'm not quite sure on the origin,but if I am correct the meaning of that name is pure.
You half to be at least 13 years old
The baby would be half British half Turkish
Well,you should try to get an agent, and keep doing what you're doing. People will definitely recognize talent soon enough.
I think students cheat because they want an A,but are to lazy to work for it,and I don't think the care about poor moral development,because they are just kids.