You would multiply the numbers together. So.....175 x 0.5 = 87.5. The additional price you had to pay was 87.5 dollars. You add this to the 175 dollars you initially need to pay. This gives you 262.5. An easy way to get the full price right away is to go 175 x 1.5. This means to multiply it by itself and … Read more
0.031. To figure out percent, just divide the number you need by 100. So, in your case, just go 3.1 / 100
I just did this in math a couple weeks ago. I forget how exactly to set up the equation. It goes something like x+y+26=170. Then, you subtract 26 from both sides to isolate x and y. So then, the equation looks something like this x+y=144. Then you divide 144 by 2, leaving you with 72. You now add the 26 again, … Read more
There can be a multitide of reasons. Not trying to be rude here, but are you overweight at all? Excess weight can increase pressure on all of your body, especially your knees and back. Is there a history of arthritis in your family? This is also another plausible explanation for the constant pain you are experiencing. Maybe mention it to … Read more
This food chain would look something like this:
Algae, krill, leopard seal, then killer whale, if by trophic level, you mean who eats who. Lol. :)
Depending on your area, you can have from 1-3 months. I'd start packing now for sure though!