This is something people get confused about. YES.. Iron is in all food. There are those that have HEME iron... Iron that is absorbed easily and the ones to avoid, and NON-HEME iron.. Iron that usually just passes through the body. This is vegetables, and fruit. They have fiber and that helps make them EASY … Read more
answered question
Okay, first you need to go and see your doctor and ask him/her yourself. This is too sensitive a question to just take the advice of someone else. It's not called your LIVER because it makes you smell good.   Tylenol is one of the most toxic drugs to the liver, SO... Don't take that. … Read more
You should stick with a normal diet other than these few changes- Drink Tea or coffe with each meal Do NOT eat out of iron cookwear, (iron skillet) No Organ Meat- Liver, etc. Do NOT take Vitamin C Supplements at ALL..   You can eat salads, oranges, etc. That iron is called NON-HEME iron. This … Read more