Webkinz is like a stuffed animal and when you buy it it has a tag so you go to www.webkinz.com and click log in if you have an account and new member if you don't so when your finally done with adopting it it gives you a free room until you reach … Read more
I don't know mines a girl but my cousin has a blonde dog with black balls so yeah
Because they are full of love :3
No, BECAUSE... I don't know why but I'd really like to feel it when you hit the ground.
Dude I am to lazy to open my eyes so I keepy my eyes closed for like 20 minutes.
No,well you can but itll die WAY faster.
Weird question but he does ALL the time!
Was he young because he could be scared of the surroundings
This is a moshi monster acount for a devil frytuyi pasword is canelo
First you make her/him lay down go away then get her/him toy squeak it it will scare your dog and after 60 seconds walla there gone he/she but he/her might get gassy sorry its the only way it works lol (: