There really isn't an easy way to solve this. He needs counseling. That is the only sorta easy way to do this
God knows that people can handle things. Some can handle more than others. God gives harder things to people because He knows they can handle it.
Yes God is against it. Sadly no one really cares about God anymore.They want to be cool and fit in.
It's normal to cry but not all the time. It sounds like your depressed. If you just cry sometimes then that's ok. But if you cry every other day than in my opinion that ain't normal.
It means you are very social and can easily adapt to other kind of people.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaah. Lol. Lmbo. I'm sorry but no he's 16. This might surprise. It did for me.
That person usually is disgusted by you.
This sounds like a racist comment.
It usually means the line from your testes to your penis is disconnected. If you are talking about semen I can't help you.
NO! That is not fair. Cameras going EVERYWHERE YOU GO!!! Just wanting to catch the TINIEST mistake then make a big deal about it. TMZ gossiping about you.The must be VERY annoying to the celebs. BUT everything has a price. Sadly becoming famous, the price is having rumors about you and mistakes will be shown … Read more
Ask him. BUT if he says yes make sure it is a real yes. He might be saying yes to get a girlfriend and look cool or he might not want to hurt your feelings. If he says no try not to worry about it. There are a lot of boys in the world. So … Read more