WOW let me just say I have two Aunts that are witchs I found out about it and thought it was ment for me wich as I see now I think it still is I'm 15 but heres my story I'll tell you from when I was little till this age if you like me … Read more
I'm a witch People just Look at me and say ARE YOU A WITCH?: I'll look at them and not know what to say because some think its about bad things when really its not...
And everyone is scared of Guy witchs they read about how they can Hypnotize you and be all mean that … Read more
Merry meet Wow amazing!
I say if witchs are still real why not other mythical things? I mean coming from me I am a witch although my parents want it quit it runs in the family whats amazing is I understand animals and the earth But I am not an earth witch I do not … Read more