To keep fried food crispy for a long period of time, sprinkle a pinch of gram flour on it. That will not only keep it crispy but also dry.
This is very common but can be treated with a simple tip. Take half a lemon, squeeze all the juice out of it and rub the peel on the elbows. This should clean them.
ISP stands for Internet service provider, the company that provides you a connection to the Internet. An internet service provider can be either local or national. An ISP gives you the software you need as well as an e-mail account and access to other options on the Internet for a monthly fee.
To clean your brass utensils and to make them shine, you should scrub them with sand mixed with hot tamarind water.
To make a hot curry mild, fry a finely sliced onion till light brown, spread on absorbent kitchen paper till it becomes crisp. Crush with hand and then add to the curry with juice from one lemon.
To prevent potatoes from discoloring, dip fingers in lemon juice before chopping. This should keep their color intact and even provide taste.
Mean is the average of a group of numbers. Median is the middle number once these numbers are arranged in an ascending order. Mode is the number that appears most frequently in a group of numbers.
If you have a bad credit history, you are unlikely to get any bank to give you a student loan. My advise is to leave your studies for a semester and get a job. That way, you could clear up your debts and be able to save part of the money for college. Then, the … Read more
A few cosmetic items are essential to do a complete makeup. These include foundation (could be liquid or powder), contouring powder, blush, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lip liner, lipstick and a lip gloss. Although there are many other items that are used, makeup is truly incomplete without the ones mentioned above.
You should join after school activities in fields of your interest. You are bound to find people there who share your interests.
Become friends with the guy first. Most likely he will be able to figure out that you think of him as more than a friend. If he likes you too, he will make a move. If not, go find someone else. Its a big world.
The girl is taking you for granted. You need to be firm with her and stop being so nice. If she loves you, she will eventually come around.
Boisterous has many meanings. It means coarse. It means durable and strong, and it also means massive. Moreover, boisterous is also rowdy and is marked by or is expressive of exuberance and high spirits.
You should first get to know him and try to find out if your love is actually love or just infatuation. If you are still serious about him, just be friends with him. If he has feelings for you, he will reciprocate himself.
Propagation is the act or action of propagating. It is an increase (as of a kind of organism) in numbers, It is also the spreading of something (as a belief) abroad or into new regions.
Jealousy is a menace. It brings out the worst in you. Try recognizing those things that make you jealous and talk about them to someone close. I would advise you to see a therapist as they will be most helpful in such a situation.
The intransitive verb lout means to bow in respect or to submit or yield. A lout is also an awkward, brutish person. The transitive verb lout means to scorn.
Ask her out on a date. That would create the atmosphere and she will figure out how you feel. If she has any feelings for you, she will most likely let you know, either through a gesture or openly.
Accusatory, the adjective form of the word accusation, first used in the fourteenth century, means containing or expression accusation. For example, an accusatory look.
The transitive verb invigorate, first used in 1646, means to give life and energy to something. Its synonyms could be animate and stimulate.