We can beat those Commie Russians!
We can find cool aliens like E.T.
Space chicks are hot.
We can finally find a way to send Dennis Rodman back to his home planet!
No Wi-Fi
Have you seen the movie Independence Day?
Eating floating Jello gets old after a couple weeks.
It's too big … Read more
If there was evidence that god exists then there would be no atheists.
Barak Obama is not a terrorist he was just unfortunate enough to get stuck with that stereotypical terrorist-sounding name.
Yeah, I think the weather and tectonic plate patterns are just coincidence. I think America's big problems are going to still be terrorism and war. We must figure out a way to stop religious extremists.
The first power windows were available in 1940 on a Packard 180 series vehicle.
If the sun just suddenly disappeared all life on earth would freeze to death within seconds.
The largest planet in the entire universe is unknown, and will likely be never known due to the extreme size of the universe.
The moon has no atmosphere to protect its surface from objects crashing into it. The Earth's atmosphere burns and destroys most space debris before it reaches the ground. Only very large objects from space can survive complete destruction and actually leave a crater on Earth. Every single little object that strikes the moon leaves a … Read more
I would say dolphin because they are one of a very few animals who recognize themselves in a mirror where as a killer whale does not.