answered question
Ahartman's answer was very good.   I've answered a similar question here on BlurtIt many times before and you can see a detailed answer with many links here:   q777305.html Sperm is made of protein, and if the bacteria are living on protein, you can see how having sperm present would make it … Read more
First, it has NOTHING TO DO with how often you wash, despite all the comments here.  The guest who said, "Wow, this is what happens when you ask the non professionals" is absolutely right. Anyway, this question has been asked on BlurtIt many times before and you can see a detailed answer from me with many … Read more
Yes, absolutely, eating fish does cause a fishy scent in most women.  This is not necessarily unpleasant, and it is not unhealthy.  It is because fish contains trimethylamine, which is what gives fish their fishy smell... And eating fish triggers the trimethylamine odor in most women.   However, bacterial or viral vaginitis (vaginal infection) can also cause the … Read more
answered question
The site Tkendall gave you a year ago gets very technical in spots and wanders off on a lot of tangents -- some of them very interesting, but not directly related to your question. The short answer is, menstrual blood may smell differently from one woman than from another, and it may smell differently from … Read more
No, it should not be mandatory law. "Donation" is voluntary.  You are talking about involuntary taking by law -- essentially, the government confiscating organs from dead people who didn't want to donate them.   This is unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment's so-called "takings clause" :  "No person shall . . . . Be deprived ofRead more
"Sophie" is a name derived from "Sophia," the Greek name for the goddess of wisdom.  Some Christian sects use it to refer to divine wisdom.  A common alternate spelling is Sofia. It can also be a nickname for Sophonisba or Sophronia, very old-fashioned English / American female names.  Some people have used it as a nickname for … Read more
answered question
"Xmas" became the first shorthand of this kind because shop owners found it difficult to fit the whole word in the signs painted on their shop windows (back in the day when most stores were small, and there were no shopping malls, and advertisements were painted by hand on the inside surface of windows in … Read more
answered question
Don't waste your energy or emotions on a comeback.   Just walk away, and find friends who respect you. If someone feels enough contempt for you to tell you to "shut up" -- especially in front of people -- then they are NOT someone you should feel any respect or liking for at all. Walk away, … Read more
Hugh Hefner, who started PLAYBOY magazine, liked skinny girls with big bosoms, so that's what he published, and almost ALL nudie magazines followed his pattern. So a lot of guys LEARNED to prefer what they saw in the magazines. In real life, however, men like everything.  Some men have preferences for one thing or another … Read more
That depends on the doctor. He may "keep it confidential" in terms of not telling your husband or parents, but if he puts it in his records AND the insurance company demands to see his notes, then they will know. Some doctors will agree to leave it out of their notes, but most won't.  They need … Read more
Yes, it does, if the lab checks for it.  In fact, the hormones excreted in their urine by women using oral contraceptives and contraceptive implants, as well as women on HRT (hormone replacement therapy, at menopause) have been implicated in the pollution of our rivers and lakes, causing birth defects in fish. Urine testing is VERY … Read more
You need to see a doctor to rule out HPV, Human Papilloma Virus, which can lead to cervical cancer.  This condition is sometimes called "genital warts." You also need to rule out genital herpes. They could also be something entirely harmless, such as sebaceous cysts.  These can occur anywhere on the body, including the face, neck, genitals, … Read more
answered question
There are many ways for a woman to become temporarily or permanently infertile (sterile). For instance, low body weight or anorexia will cause temporary sterility in some women until their weight gets back up.  This happens to many serious female athletes and dancers, as well as women who keep their weight low for reasons of fashion. … Read more
When a woman is most sexually active depends on when she has a partner available.  :) However, there is a surge of progesterone in all women in the three-to-five days before their period begins (the same time period when PMS occurs in some women).   High progesterone levels tend to lead women to be more sexually receptive … Read more
answered question
Like "myopinions" in the previous answer, I hope your baby is okay.  The back which arches up is called a "roach back," and it can lead to problems in some breeds.  Dachsies are, unfortunately, notorious for back and hip problems. So at her or his next checkup, ask the vet about this, and ask if you should … Read more
answered question
St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is one of the saints considered a patroness of marriage and particularly of married women.   St. Joseph, Mary's husband, is considered the patron of marriage and particularly of married men. There are other saints who are considered patrons of marriage … Read more