I would get over it you cry baby.
Ok dont tell any one im dating a vampire and hes my sire i call him daddy idk why i just do get over it im also one so of course i belive in them dummy
Translvanya or there sire AKA daddy or mommy
Well they have pail skin long sharp vangs and scruchy faces but on buffy the vampire slayer spike is sexy! Only an idiot wouldnt know what a vampire looks like dimwit
You glue them into one big thing and you like make them look like sorta like a + sighn then you turn it like a wind meel lol thats it!
Maybe sometimes they should it depends on what they did
It depends on what food it is but if you think you can feed them it go ahead for example tuna, steak, porkchop, and hamburger meat.
No! ! Who told you that!? He has a girl friend I think!