Crystal Meth Withdrawal is horrific. Most of the effects are mental but Meth is a drug that grasps hold of your mind and it is an addiction that is terribly hard to overcome. It takes a very strong minded person to come back from the place that Meth takes you. Tree People, FBI, Spy's, cops! … Read more
If you ingested it after the 16th week of pregnancy it will stay in the
baby's system until after it is born as babies do not pass stools until
after they are born. This stool is called meconium. The meconium is
what the hospital tests for drugs after the baby is born it starts
being … Read more
If you ingested it after the 16th week of pregnancy it will stay in the
baby's system until after it is born as babies do not pass stools until
after they are born. This stool is called meconium. The meconium is
what the hospital tests for drugs after the baby is born it starts
being … Read more