Contrary to popular belief, rats are porbably one of the, if not, the cleanest rodent. They make excellent pets for children as they are easy to hold, very friendlly and rarely bite. I have never been bitten by any of my pet rats. Make sure that you handle the rat at the pet shop to … Read more
It also depends on the breed of duck you have, some are very prelific layers usualy utility birds breed specifically for this purpose (such as kharki campbells), however some more ornamental breeds of ducks (such as call ducks) lay a very small amount per year as they are breed for different purposes.
Both mules and hinnies are hybrids created using a horse and a donkey. Mules are a male donkey (jack) bred to a female horse (mare), whereas a hinny is a male horse (stallion) to a female dokey (jenny). For more information about them try