It all depends on what type of massage and what association the therapist belongs to. I am a reiki master, a pineal mode entrainment expert and a tantric yoni massage expert as well as an electronic medicine practitioner. My learning has been through intensive personal research and not in an academic establishment. I have studied … Read more
No, vinegar even cider vinegar will not do that. Only phosphoric acid found in Dr pepper and Classic Coca Cola may help but it depends on the concentration of the toxins used.
How Can I Better Cleanse My System For THC Without Using Detox Products Because It Is Not Available?
A full cleanse of the body starts with a liver cleanse to get the gall bludder stones out of the body. That takes 12 hours maximum. It requires ornithine, pink grapefruit and epsom salts as well as light olive oil.
Then a kidney cleanse follows, using 2liters of dr pepper and 200g of pureed asparagus. … Read more
I will be in the USA in July. Just let me know your closest hotel and email me your details, name, mobile and I will let you know when I am there.