You would have to tell us what drugs you have taken and how long its been since you used it.
I've been taking opiates for about 10 years...everything from heroin and morphine to oxy and hydrocodone, hell I was even prescribed fentanyl patches for several months. I just did about 5mg of suboxone yesterday...started with 2mg around noon, another 1 mg piece about an hour later and then the other 2mg piece around 7 pm. … Read more
I raise Pitbulls and American Bulldogs, they actually only HAVE to be with there mother for the first 72 hours to get the special nutrients from the mothers milk that is released right after birth. But usually at 5-6 weeks they are ready to leave. At 3 weeks you can start feeding them "mush"...we use … Read more
First...wait till your puppy is 6 weeks old. After the first initial dose you have to wait 10 days for the second dose and then you can give it to him every 30 days for preventive measures. I raise American Bulldogs and Pitbulls and this is how our vet has told us is the most … Read more