To get hooked up with girls you need to one of these 3 things. 1.Talk to the girl and say nice things to her. 2.Get to know the girl then when she is interested ask her out. 3.Kiss the girl and have a lot of sex, get married, have kids, and die in the same … Read more
When the human body gets too cold a couple things can happen to the body. One of these things is that if the human body gets too cold you can get frostbite and your body parts will fall of and you will eventually die sooner or later. Another one of these things is that if … Read more
When the human body gets too hot your body overheats. The human body can only get a certain amount of heat in their bodies. If the human body gets too hot and overheats you can die because the body temperature is higher than 98.6 degrees. That is the end of my paper on the human … Read more