Anything you would use to describe it. The most common would be "blue". You might say "cloudy", "stormy", "starry", "big", or something else. Or you might mean "sky-like".
3 baskets x 2cats/basket = 6 cats 6 cats x 3kittens/cat = 18 kittens 3 girls x 2legs/girl = 6 legs 24 felines x 4legs/feline = 96legs 6 + 96 = 102legs If none of the girls are driving the bus and there is therefore another person driving, then 104legs
My cat tries to get as low as he can to drink, laying down sometimes, and sometimes not, but almost. He's neither fat nor lazy and he has been sneezing for a couple years, and getting worse. He has clear runny snot. I think the laying down has to do with clearing his airway, so … Read more