Be yourself, if he likes you he will like you for YOU. If you try to hard to win, and attempt to chance because you see he likes the popluar girl, you may have been wrong about that and just ruined your chances. The most important thing about being in a relationship is staying true … Read more
She may have maturing issues or something close to that like a disorder, try to understand her better. Maybe ask her, nicely though and don't just bring it up all of a sudden.. Slowly bring it up. Its not really normal for this to happen to a 14 yr old but there may have been … Read more
Just remember that he choose you out of all the other girls. He picked you, and if he picked you that means he thought you were extra specail and had something the other girls didnt have. Ask him honestly if he has any other feeligns for other people, do what ever it takes to make … Read more
I think first you should try having a normal conversation with her, then after getting to know her. Ask her if it would be okay if you called or texted her some time, if she says yes, then say okay could I have your number? Once you get her number you could probably text her … Read more
Well, if you don't want to just wait until nature lets it happen, then most likely you would want to take him to somewhere you both like and feel comfortable. Talk about your feels and build a bond for that day, lean in to him. Look him in the eyes and just show him what … Read more
If the relationship is just beginning then he is doing this probably because he wants to make sure you know he loves you. He wants you to know that he will be there to protect you, and care for you. If you don't feel comfortable with him being so clingly, either brake up with him … Read more
I think that you will not find many of these kind of people. Most people might not care as much about their partner then they do themselves. It is important in a relationship to be in the relationship with someone who cares about you equallyas they do themselves. Its always good, for your partner, or … Read more
Well, I know you don't want to continue thinking about him, but like you said, he is your best friend. Just because he doesn't like you more then a friend doesn't mean you have to completely block him out of your life. Continue being friends, best friends. And eventually, he will probably come around.
I … Read more
Research is important in education because people are always discovering new things such as ancient ruins or new theories of science, and without these we would not know too much about the world and what's in it!