Phosphorolytic acid, di-isopropyl ester can be the best medicine for sore eyes.
One side effect is that you can become dependent on it.
I think you had better wear natural style clothing.
Yeah, their leaves are poisonous to dogs.
Rabbits don't like to eat pistachio nuts.
It may be contagious if it is out-date.
You can put a stealth round net in the grass.
No, you can't because cortisone cream has a heavy side effect on dog.
You can't overdose them, because they have side effects.
I think you may need about 2000 shingles.
I think it will not work in a short time.
Well, I don't think it can cause cancer.
You blood pressure should be 80 to 130 times per min.
I think your dog may be dyspepsia.
I think her leg is broken because she can't walk normally.
The thick feathers is his body covering.
It can offer the best environment for the egg to hatch.
Bacterial infection can cause white patches in stool.
I think they can have two to three puppies.
Well, the trees and houses are often the habitats of them.