New ones were on Monday evenings recently. Now the syfy website says there won't be anymore new ones until 2011. Only 7 new episodes were shown. The next Scare Tactics I see schedule to air is on December 10th at 7:30 pm.
All I can say is that witches and wiccans are real. I am a wiccan and a lot of wiccans also refer to themselves as witches. I have known a 'vampire', as in someone who drinks blood. I don't have any person experiences with dragons or werewolves. I have never heard of benders, elders, or … Read more
4/28 and 3/21 are equivalent. They both reduce to 1/7.
Miranda is still 17. It would be illegal to have those types of pictures of her.
It's not all bad. Healthy readings are below 200 total cholesterol, below 100 LDL, and above 60 HDL. You may want to ask your doctor for tips on how to up your HDL level.
Once a woman's body has matured to the point where she is able to carry a baby, the uterus starts building up a lining that can cushion and nourish a baby. If the woman does not get pregnant within 28 to 32 days, the lining is no longer needed, so it is shed from the … Read more
I have the same problem with feeling nauseous when I awaken. Still, not eating can make it worsen because it causes your blood sugar to be low. I wish I knew the solution to this problem, but I don't. The fact that you say you feel faint and dizzy after eating makes me think you … Read more
That's between you and your husband.
An armchair expert is a person who seems to know about a certain line of work/career/position but the person has never had any experience in that field.
Our current house isn't haunted, but the one will lived in prior to this one was. The ghosts had to be children. We would hear music box sounding music playing and kids laughing, and no one was there. Things would be moved around and we did not move them. My husband would feel something tickling … Read more
Nathan Kress is still under 18, so any picture like that would be illegal.
I interpret the dream as you realizing that you are a resilient person. Your ideas or wishes can seem to get shot down, but you get back up and keep trying.
I always took it to mean someone who is really easygoing, who doesn't let things upset them easily or change their outlook.
3.5 ounces, or less than a 1/2 cup
At first, Jews were no longer allowed to own businesses. They were fired from their jobs, not allowed to attend schools or universities. Then they were only allowed to leave their homes under certain circumstances. German officers often raided the homes of Jews and took whatever they wanted. Eventually, they were either forced into hiding … Read more
110 student tickets= $220 90 adult tickets $270 220+270=$490
8 x 5 10 x 4 2x 20