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The major implications of these content and relationship dimensions center on conflict and its effective resolution. Many problems between people result from failure to recognize the distinction between the content and the relationship dimensions of communication. For example, consider a couple arguing over the fact that Pat made plans to study with friends during the … Read more
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Acceleration principle states that investment (other than autonomous investment such as government expenditure on roads, hospitals, etc) is related to output and that each level output requires a particular amount of capital stock to produce it. If output increases the capital stock must increase. A change in output therefore, induces investment in order to maintain … Read more
Following are some of the features of a perfect market. (A) The number of buyers and sellers assumed to be unlimited. Every buyer and the firm in the individual capacity, will be quite ineffective to the change in price of market due to their abundance. Every firm and the buyer is the negligible part of … Read more
In the development approach communications are viewed as existing on a perpetuity ranging from impersonal at one end to intimate at the other. Interpersonal communication occupies a broad area on this continuum. Interpersonal communication is distinguished from impersonal communication by three factors.    In interpersonal interactions, people base their predictions about each other, on psychological … Read more
Babies can babble almost as soon as they are born. Later they learn the names of objects by coping their parents. Being able to speak, sense and producing sound from the mouth are two different things. Over the years speech has become more complicated. We are able to say more because men's intelligence has developed. … Read more
Nickel: This valuable metal is often used like zinc to coat steel objects to stop them form rusting. It is the shiny metal you see on bicycle handlebars or the bumpers of cars. Nickel is also used to make some 'silver" coins. The Muslim worlds produces 8 per cent of all the world's nickel. Gold: … Read more
Copper: Copper is used largely in electrical industry, as it is one of the best conductors. It is made up of cables, wires and many other components connected with the generation of power and electrical equipment. It is also very useful for making coking pots as it heats up very quickly. Many countries use a … Read more
Computer output microfilm/microfiche (COM) System Paper takes a lot of room—hence the reason for microfilm and microfiche. Computer output microfilm/microfiche (COM) is computer output produced as very small images on rolls or sheets of films. When the output on rolls (usually 35mm), it is microfilm. When the output is on sheets (4´6 inches), it is … Read more
The Internet began in 1969 as an experimental project. The U.S. Department of defence wanted to develop a network that could withstand outages, such as caused by nuclear attacks .A principle goal was to create a system that could send messages.  When the ARPANTET was started, one objective of its founder was to create a … Read more
Interpreter An interpreter is programme that translates a high-level programming language into machine language during the actual step-by-step execution of a programme. Translation and execution alternate for each statement encountered in the high-level language programme. In other words, an interpreter translate one instruction, and the control unit execute the resulting, machine language, the next instruction … Read more
General Purpose Computers General-purpose computers are designed to solve a large variety of problems. That is they can be given different programmes to solve different types of problems. General-purpose computers can process business data as readily as they process complex mathematical formulas. General-purpose computers can store large amount of data and the programmes necessary to … Read more
Minicomputers First introduced in the early 1970s, these machines, as the name suggests, are relatively small in size and cheaper in cost than mainframe computers. Some minicomputers are uniprocessor system whereas some are multiprocessor systems. A minicomputer can support up to64 or even more terminals. Minicomputers are extensively used for payroll preparation, accounting and scientific … Read more
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A Bill of Exchange is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only o or to the order of a certain person or to the bearer to the instrument A Bill of Exchange is therefore a written acknowledgement of … Read more
A cheque is defined as Bill of Exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand. In other words, it is a Bill of Exchange drawn on a banker which is payable on demand. Cheques are of various types that are as follws they are: 1 bearer cheque: … Read more
One of the main criticisms is the assumption of other things being constant, though other things do not remain constant only this fact is not enough to reject the theory. All other scientific theories are based on the assumption that other things remain equal. To this objection of the critic's professor Fisher has pointed out … Read more
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An inflation of currency means the increased supply of money to such an extent that general prices of commodities are raised. Its effects are: 1 it increases the profits of organizations: inflation causes arise in the cost of articles but their cost price does not rise as quickly as their sell prices. Wages, interest and … Read more
mono-metallism: When one metal gold or silver is adopted as a standard of value, the system is known as mono-metallism. If the standard metal is gold it is known as gold standard and again if the standard metal is silver it is called the silver standard Bi-metallism: when both gold and silver freely circulate as … Read more
Proportional reserve method:  Under this system the central bank is required to keep a certain percentage varying from 25 to 0% of gold reserve against the note-issue and the remainder of the note issue is conversed by securities. France adopted this method after 1928. Reserve bank of India also adopted this system on the recommendation … Read more
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Histology aims at gaining and understanding of the structure and functions of the cell and its aggregations, the tissues and organs.The animal body is am integrated organism, in the making of which there is a cooperation and integration of parts at different levels of organization. Cells combine to form tissues, tissues to form organs, organ … Read more
The following are the advantages of paper money: It is a cheaper currency: Metallic coins require gold and silver as their raw materials while paper money requires paper, which is less costly than the precious metals. Moreover, cost of printing paper is much less than the cost of coming metals. Thus, it is cheaper currency … Read more