Communication I think, that they care about you, had dreams about 2 family members, but they never said anything. I think it was to let me know that they are okay.
No, most likely a time of a change in your life.
That is the sign of the anti-christ.
They can, as the cats metabolism is different from peoples. The vets do use a lot of people medicines, but they are formulated for a pets metabolism.
He needs a Vitamin K injection, only available from vet. Benadryll will help allergies, but you got a whole set of major problems with any type of rat poison. Best not to use any type of rat/mouse poison around any animals. Next time use those snap traps, or glue sticky traps, and don't leave em … Read more
Cause they got them famous actors giving them all their money. They pay all this money to obtain certain degrees of enlightenment, so the more money, the rich give em' the higher they are in the club.
They all have their own little circle, and it is a closed society. Why all the secrecy, oh wait, its not secret, its "sacred",Ya, right!! Most of em' are okay to be around, but there are alot of them that are uppity, cause in mormon circles, if anyone is related to Brigham Young, or Joe … Read more
Don't let em in the door! They will ask you if you need anything, or need anything done around the house, and this is how they weasel their way in. Now, they will bash every other religion but their own, and do we really believe that God would appear to some idiot named Smith? Don't … Read more
Jesus Christ,King and Redeemer.
Because it is the taking of a life.
It comes from the old Latin ita,missa,est. Meaning the service is over.
Means that you can speak more than one language.
In the U.K. It means a cigarette. In other countries, it can be a very cruel way of defining one who prefers their own sex instead of the opposite.
Don't drink and then collect 20 dollars from everyone you have to drive home.Ha ha.
Whatever they want, they don't drink or smoke, no caffeine, which don't make sense as they own Coca-Cola.
Dogs have a different metabolism, so no, don't do it. Whats good for people may be harmful to your dog. Might be conjunctivitis, a type of eye infection, and the vet can give you some special eye ointment for this.
I think this may be what is called a Box Elder Bug, or a close relative of. Seen lots of em' in Utah.Take a look in Audobon Book of Insects, and you should be able to find just what type it is, there are fantastic photos in it.Hope this helps.
Rabbits are like people in that they all have different personalities, having raised show rabbits for many years, keep in mind they are all different. Depends what breed you're interested in. I had a rabbit that would try to attack anyone who walked by her pen, even to feed her, so I had to put … Read more
Get a second opinion on this.You may need a second set of "eyes" for this. Maybe an infection of some sort. Cats ears are not supposed to smell. And keep asking till you get a proper treatment done.
Well, how longs a piece of string? Shes pregnant till she has the babies...about 2 months.