Honestly I don't think that right! You need your own space to mature, however I understand you and your brother may be close, but I suggest wearing atleast underwear and pajamas, you're teenager that are going through puberty and developing, you need to have some pride and self respect, not to mention that you should … Read more
Cold + Wet -is a good sign , meaning 'hey I healthy' this is what a dog nose should always be like
Warm +dry - couuld be as simple as dehydration or as serious to cancer or somthing worth a trip to the vet.
However silly this mat sound its true! GRADUALLY. First a helloe and cheesy smile, then tap on the shoulder, then short convo, trust eachother! This actally workds as i donr this the other week, if u are in school or college use a ruler , pencial or just your finger and inder the table on is … Read more