The important enzymes required for digestion are the Proteolytic enzymes (proteases) which includes trypsin, chymotrypsin as well as the peptidases, elastase and cathepsins. They are capable of degrading up to 300 g proteins per hours. Then comes the Lipolytic enzymes (lipases) which can degrade up to 175 g fat per hour. In order to make … Read more
The absorption of food is a complex mechanism. When the food substances have been so altered by the enzymes in the duodenum that they now consist of minute's fragments which can readily be used by the body, they are transported to the next two sections of the small intestine, the jejunum and ileum. It is … Read more
The proteins degrading enzymes are first activated by the hydrochloric acid so that these proteases are able to function. The hydrochloric acid is also important in that it stimulates hormones production in the stomach, destroys some of the bacteria present in the food past and promotes the uptake of minerals and trace elements into the … Read more
The food, hopefully well chewed, is mixed to paste with the saliva and transported through the esophagus into the stomach. The better the food has been broken down and mixed with the saliva, the better for the stomach. First of all, it accepts the consignment from the esophagus and then sends signals by means of … Read more
The enzyme plasmin is known as plasminogen in its inactive form and has to be armed like a weapon. This activation of the plasminogen determines to what extent and how rapidly thrombi are dissolved. Therefore, the dissolution of dangerous thrombi is always dependent on the activation of plasminogen.
Plasminogen can be activated fully to plasmin … Read more
It soon became clear that the digestive enzyme found in the sheep's stomach was the actual starter for cheese production. It is today called chymosin or rennin in biotechnology. It was actually the first enzyme that could be isolated.
Rennin has been used for cheese production for the hundreds of years. It is obtained from … Read more
The meat industry relies on enzymes to make meat tender. The famous experiment by Reaumur and Spallanzani made it clear that enzymes break down the protein of meat. It is 'hung' in cold strong. At this temperature, the protein-cleaving enzymes, the proteases, function with reduced activity. The meat can thus be controlled so that it … Read more
The field in which the scientists are trying to achieve success is called the biotechnology. There is a Prescientific Era. in which some biological processes were exploited with scarcely an idea of the mechanism behind them. Then comes the Early Scientific Era and in this early scientific era the first important principle of the biochemistry … Read more
The common uses of enzymes in Industrial biotechnology are in beer, bread, chocolate and mayonnaise.The greatest quantities of the enzymes are probably used by beer brewers. Thousands of tons of the amylases bound to malt ensure fermentation. They are concerned with the conversion starch into the sugar, with fermentation, and they are nowadays controlled in … Read more
Coenzymes are something quite different from enzymes. Enzymes are composed of proteins whereas the coenzymes are not. Enzymes are not degraded during activation whereas coenzymes are and therefore require a continual regeneration or renewal.
However, all this has again taken us far too into the biochemical jungle.
Let us live at that. There is however … Read more
They are enzymes we already know a great deal about. They can help us to re-established and protect out health.All 3000 or more different enzymes are constantly being produced on the mass by our body. That is the fantastic performance but there is small drawback, some of these enzymes lack of small portion to perfect … Read more
One of the early biochemist, Professor Fischer, illustrates an example of lock and key. It is only possible that unlock the lock when the wards of key fit exactly into the keyhole. The enzyme is a lock with a very specific keyhole, the substrate is the key. In addition the unlocking process can only be … Read more
Every living organism contains an unimaginable variety of the different biochemical structure known as substrates. There is the raw material and the building blocks required to build or repair our tissues or cells. Substrates are components necessary for one of another's of the life processes and they flit about ready to be used. In so … Read more
Scientist has discovered the composition of enzymes and how they function. However an immeasurable number of the other mysteries must still be unrevealed before we actually hold the magic wand in our hands.
You know about the catalyzer in the catalyst convert which we hope is attached to your new car. It purpose to exploit … Read more
Pancreas has a lot of effects in our body. They are very vital as they release insulin in the blood which maintains the blood sugar levels. An action on the pancreas was suggested based on studies where orally-administered protease suppressed the exorphin pancreas and the cholecytokinin realse. It was not explain how suppression of the … Read more
Opioids acting in our bodies can be of two types, endorphins and exorphins. Endorphins are endogenous morphine-like substances. They are substances which occur naturally in the body and can be generated or induced by various stimuli, such as heavy and persistent exercise, positive and enjoyable emotions and sexual excitement. Exorphins are externally administered or exogenous … Read more
A separate action of oral hydrolytic enzymes involving increase penetration of medications into connective tissue has also been reported separately by Chain, Sanella and Hechter. They are felt to enhance the absorption and effects of such concomitantly administrated medications as antibiotics and anticancer cytotoxic drugs. This is reported to apply also to tissues where the … Read more
Therapeutic enzymes are those enzymes which can be safely used in medicine either isolately or in adjunct with other therapies so that different diseases and medical conditions can be cured effectively and safely.
The use of the therapeutic enzyme in Europe and other countries is similar to their use in the United States, with some … Read more
At the present, in the United States and worldwide, certain specific medical enzymes are used legally as ethical and effective systematic treatment for a number of conditions. They are approved by the FDA for the use in the treatment of specific diseases where there is general agreement about their effectiveness. These condition and illness include … Read more
In the United States, the major importance of enzymes in medicine at present at this measurement of enzymes levels as an acid to diagnosis. They are used to determine the level of the specific enzymes present in the blood, urine, body fluids or tissues. Diagnostic enzymes are also important in estimating the concentration of a … Read more