The book isn't specific about the exact cause of her death but she's never strong again after being ill with scarlet fever. I suspect, based on the symptoms described in the story, that she developed rheumatic fever, which weakens the heart muscle and could result in the heart being in too weakened condition to deliver … Read more
Since I was a child in World War II in the U.S., I can answer that. We ate pretty much what anyone would eat today, but there were some exceptions. There were no frozen foods, no fast foods (pop tarts, Burger King, McDonald's, etc.), and a lot of people planted Victory gardens, so fresh veggies … Read more
Speaking as a lawyer myself, here's what I found most valuable: Debate team and English. A lawyer also needs a good grasp of history and our U.S. Constitution and an appreciation of how our government and court system work.A lawyer does a lot of writing and must understand how to debate effectively in a courtroom.  … Read more