Okay so here is my page. It is 100% origional meaning that it was not copied. I made it as a very relaxing theme because thats what i like! Remember it is 100% origional. I did not copy anything!!!!
Okay i am leaving blurtit soon. I am sick of jillian18 acting like a 4 year old. So bye!!!!
A Cheerful Heart
by Jill Lemming
To make our lives more meaningful,
it takes a cheerful heart...
and loving life and living it
each day as a brand new start.
It takes a positive attitude
when trials come our way...
and having the strength to carry on
and taking the time to pray.
Life is what we make it,
for the time that we are here...
so start each day with a cheerful heart
and see miracles appear.
God's Love
by Elizabeth Cushing Taylor
We do not see the wind,
We only hear it sigh;
It makes the grasses bend
whenever it goes by.
We do not see God's love,
But in our hearts we know
He watches over us
Wherever we may go.
We do not have to see
To know the wind is here;
We do not have to see
To know God's love is near.
He is Always There
We can't foresee the turning of the tide
When problems beset us and tears are cried.
Sometimes life deals from the bottom of the deck
Filling us with worry and leaving us a wreck.
The enemy seeks to devour and destroy,
Using deceptions to eliminate our joy.
While walking through the valley, our heads hung low,
The mountain top seems so high, our footsteps slow.
How many times have we traveled this road
To battle the frustrations of troubles bestowed?
Yet when we come to our darkest hour
God demonstrates His infinite power.
It doesn't matter how bad things might seem,
He always comes through, our faith to redeem.
God will not fail us in our times of pain.
He'll never forsake us, by our side He'll remain.
So when we find ourselves at a total loss
Or when the valley seems too wide to cross,
Just remember you're in His love and care,
Look over your shoulder, He's always there!