'Salah' means prayer. The impact of 'One call' are deep. In fact when a prophet of God is present amongst us we find him as the bridge to God. His words are considered as God's words. Relating to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), God says in the Holy Quran, "Whatever he says is to teach you and … Read more
Liking someone is the most Islamic act. Allah's teaching in Islam forbids you to hate or dislike anyone. Love for all hatred for none! But for a girl to like a boy before marriage, choosing him as the intended life partner, or vice versa, is not wrong, nor haram. It is a sensitive matter that … Read more
From 1947-61 the old British Indian system prevailed (except for some very low denominations), which was 1ruppe = 16 annas, 1 anna = 12 pies. There was a '1 pice' which was equal to three pies (quarter anna). There was half anna, one anna, two anna, quarter rupee (4 annas), half rupee (8 annas) and … Read more