♥ im a huge fan of wolfs and all creatures. im not a full blown hippie but i stand by my love of nature. Remember all creatures were here before us we must respect them.♥ if your new to blurt it then i say welcome to the twilight zone because that's what it feels like but whatever. I have long hair. I'm normal somewhat a little dramatic if pushed to be and very calm when i need to be. i don't take too kindly to random friend requests but i consider them at times so step up to the plate everybody. :D Oh i like hoddie jackets too. Also im happily dating once again X) Live long and prosper wolfie.
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this is WoLf support him by putting on your profile and help him on his way to storming the White house and becoming president of The United States.
Also don't mistaken me for a werewolf fanatic i don't believe in that :P