We look like normal people, I've evan seen ugly vampires, we are not immortal, we are regular people, we just have lower energy, we get more energy from blood and other peoples auras
Because I think if people new the real me then the public wouldnt accept me....thats the reason why a lot of vampires/werewolfs wont show them selfs
I'm a vampire so I'm pretty sure there real.....not twilight vampire....the real (living breathing) all american vampire
If there still teens or children then yes
There is nothing wrong with having a vampire friend, evan if your a werewolf. You are not destined to kill each other and I advise you not to anyways.
Yes a vampire and a werewolf can have a child but it would be a mix of both species other wise known as a werepire!
I think I am a werepire, but I would love to be a vampire, but I might just regular old Skye(Skye is my vampire name) but I think I may be a vampire by the way I act....but it would be my lifes dream to be a vampire.....am I a vampire? (I also love the … Read more