answered question
I have two sets of piercings in my earlobes. I have two upper ear cartilage piercings. (also belly ring and eyebrow ring)..... The only problems I have ever had was with one of the upper ear cartilage piercings, but I think I was allergic to the metal. Ear piercings MAY hurt, when they get infected.
Sounds like an allergic reaction to something. That happened to my boxer before. I gave her a new food and she got bumps all over. I took her to the vet and the doctor said she either had an allergic reaction to something or she possibly got bit by something. They 'ran some tests' and … Read more
answered question
Obviously if she is avoiding you and makes excuses- you can't rely on her to give you an honest answer. You can maybe ask a mutual friend if they know what's going on. Otherwise- just remind your friend that she is the one who hurt you... And if she keeps refusing to talk to you.... … Read more
answered question
That happens to me all the time. Some peoples' phones only allow them to write a certain lenght of message. A friend of mine doesn't have a limit on how long the text can be- so I get broken messages from him. Not sure if there is a way to fix this.....
answered question
You are NOT ugly. You just have low self esteem. Instead of looking at your being 'ugly' as you say- look at your positive features. Like your eyes, smile, intelligence, laugh.... Everyone is self conscious one way or another. I look at the positive things about me... It helps!!   Hope I helped!