Oh I got it You could. . Get a life don't you think that would be fun
Five gum and Dentyne arctic Chill
You should do silver pink silver pink Over and over Again i think its cool but do what you want.
Maybe like two
one When I was like five one of my friends and I tied a jump rope to a bike and A tricycle I was on the tricycle And i fell Face first onto the pavement.
Two When I was six or seven I was riding my bike And it flipped over … Read more
I'd be hera Becuase I was in a play for theater class and thats who I was.
WHAT?!?! Okay well it depends on how bad it is Normally it will just heal on its own within A week or two.
He's 15
No but on the other hand I like drama
Yeah its really bothering me
No but it sounds like fun JK
Yeah i want to get married someday.
It should say on the box or the packet