Jealousy is insecurity. Insecurity is childishness. If you don't want to be called childish, you have to mature in any ways. You have to learn how to trust yourself before you can trust somebody else. When you trust yourself when your girlfriend is talking to your boyfriend, you will not feel threaten. You will not … Read more
answered question
Because you have nothing to do. Your mind is so empty of other things that his memory occupied most of your brain cells. Do you think he miss you too?I bet you not. Boys are carefree so be carefree too, don't let yourself be so taken of this boy that if he found someone else … Read more
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I really would suggest to reduce what you put in your body food wise because exercise will not do it alone. No matter how much and how hard you exercise but you don't watch how much and how hard you eat - exercise can not work effectively. Although if you will not have a lot … Read more
answered question
Cars are not like houses. They could easily repossessed the car if you don't pay and it depends on your credit history. They are afraid if they see your history to have a colorful scenario about loan, to lose more money on you.
Corn, potatoes (and in the same family), water melon, cantaloupe, rice (brown or white or sweet rice), all fruits, carrots, all vegetables actually except for green leafy vegetables, green leafy vegetables have less sugar in it and because of it's fiber, sugar from leafy green vegetables got distributed slowly through all our blood veins in … Read more
Although your question is kind of foggy to me, I understand that the problem is, you are OK without sex and that's OK with you at the beginning, but now it's not she who refusing sex but you. What can you do? Is this your problem? You should just say it's her who teaches you … Read more
Additional... Sorry, the paragraph below your question did not appear before I typed in my answer...Anyway, you could go to the copy of your contract and line per line, read the contents. If it's not there... you have no choice but put a new carpet before you move out. If it didn't say how much … Read more
Jealousy is a feeling of envy over something that you don't have that others have. It could be in the form of materials, relationship, family, food, or achievement. Often, Jealousy is present in a marriages or in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship by one not trusting the other. The reason for jealousy in a relationship is one … Read more
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Other vulnerability to addiction is the weak state of a person for example, loneliness. When a person is lonely for a long time, the inner persona of this person craves for something to get attention. When this person get into a stage of denial, he or she will deny itself from the harm effect of … Read more
The merits of internet advertising is that you can just put it (your product) in front of the person in one click. The demerit is that the person who sees your advertisement is not happy that your advertisement is eating up their screen and that might not make them buy your product. Advertising in the … Read more
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In addition to scavenger's answer, about athlete's foot, once you take off your shoes and you leave the socks on, do not, do not put the shoes on with the same socks. change the socks to a clean one before putting on shoes. Fungal infection is in the family of excema - excema is an … Read more
answered question
Try proving and hard work on executing your proof. It's that easy and also it's that hard. For probably 2 -3 months, you're going to have to prove it was a mistake, that you have no relationship whatsoever with the person you cheated with. To do your proving: come home early every night, everyday; show … Read more
In addition, each home has different culture too. Like in my house, it is clearly stated by my parents that we don't do what others do especially bad things and bad habits and laziness. (There is a country that is known for their lazy habit). Also, in each companies, they have their own culture that … Read more
answered question
Sometimes, it will not go as how you want it. You are already doing what's best for your hair by keeping it clean all the time, if it is still as dull or dry and you already tried all the shampoo and conditioners in the market, I would say just relax and calm down. Sometimes … Read more