I have had Dogs and Cats and I also had a ferret before and I really love it, but I guess my favorite animal will always be a blue great dane never have one and I live in a apartment so I'll keep dreaming lol. Next life maybe!!!!!
Do thinks different guys get bored when they know whats coming....
The baby its forming still and what if you don't aborted the baby and you making have some deformation or serious problem you will have to pay for it at the time baby's delivered so think this twice before you do anything its enough now that your baby feels not love from you to him/her they feel … Read more
Yes it feels a little strange and kind a bloated at the same time hard to explain but every pregnancy its different when I was pregnant of my last child I thought I had like a stomach virus or so.. But good luck to you.
Some times since you are 2 weeks but its usually at the 3rd week. And if you said that your small complex it seems that you are pregnant its time to do a test good luck.
Yes its normal I'm agree with Badkitty the smaller you are the more that you feel it its kind of uncomfortable but you sound pretty normal to me good luck.
I had the same sensation with my kids as well and I have 3 so I guess its normal as soon as you don't have blood coming out or severed pain your fine just don't do any lifting or bending at all good luck with your baby and congrats!!!.
You need take her/him to the Vet. So can be well check up I know can be a little expensive but its the best thing to do for the ferret and your self.
Oh that is so sad its definitely depressed take her/him out of the cage to run around your place once at day at least I gave my away like a month ago and want her back so bad to late now....oh well good luck with yours.
Its not even painful during the sex activity but it helps to have more sensibility in the act and gives you more pleasure and if makes your self feel better who cares how looks its just like the people who have theme on their faces some of them don't even look good or attractive but … Read more
It happens if you shave in that area try not to do that no more and pull that ingrown hair better.
I'm agree with Farhankhan and there are so many community colleges that can give it to you in payments as well.
Well it seems like you really maked a huge mistake sometimes even if our friends are been there for ever or they seems to be a really good friends there are things that you can only tell to one person you really trust like he did to you so even if he forgives you nothing will be … Read more
If it's a drug screening you will have to leave your personal belongings in a security box so you can't take anything in with you.
It takes between a month a half or two.
I used to have chamomile tea to have it and during to avoid any pain.
Sure shes your wife so you have the Right to do it to her and she can do that as well just check it ..
Its just depends on if its the dogs first time or not, when its the first time having pups take longer can be a couple of days or almost a week when they start leaking so much it means they are ready so just need to watch out and make sure you know where is she having … Read more
Used them at least one's especially in front of the person who gave it to me, that's the way I do show my appreciation of that one person for taking time and spending money to gave me that one present.