In my state, WI, you can file for a passport at the U.S. Post Office. It is mailed from there.  Our post office takes pictures but you can also have a picture taken at copy shops like Kinko's or other places. If you are renewing, they usually want you to surrender your old one so … Read more
answered question
Keep in mind that there really is what we like to call a "mid-life crisis". You should take stock of your life. Women like to feel good from within and take better care of themselves when they feel loved and appreciated by the men they are with. When a woman feels emotionally connected to her … Read more
answered question
I'm going to assume you are in high school. It's normal to be attracted to the opposite sex. And when you are in a class with this teacher and she's nice and happy and motivates you (and probably you are a better student as a result) you like that feeling. You feel on top of … Read more
If you are serious, there is a legal way to become an "emancipated minor". You have to have proof that your parents are not doing their job and that you are mature and capable of supporting yourself. There would have to be a good reason to request this. You would need legal representation.
answered question
If you want to make your nostrils larger, it would require the insertion of a device which would stretch the tissue, and as you are able to tolerate it, increase the diameter of the device. Similar to stretching your pierced earlobe and wearing a disc in it. The cartilage in your nose is along the … Read more
answered question
In years past, size zero didn't exist. It was probably more like a 4. The clothing industry keeps down-sizing garments so that women will think they are smaller and will feel happier purchasing their clothes. It's sad what we women are brainwashed to believe is desirable or sexy today. In other cultures women are considered … Read more
I'm sorry for the loss of your dear pet. There are many reasons for a pet to pass away, just like there are many reasons for people. Please do not wonder if you could/should have done anything to prevent this! Dogs can have the same symptom-less problems that affect people. He most likely went peacefully, … Read more