answered question
Plants do not really release CO2 into the air. They do produce it through respiration but is is just as likely to be used again and not escape. Perhaps you are thinking of Oxygen which they do release a lot of. In either case gases diffuse out of the cells of the leaves and escape … Read more
answered question
First intelligence is not necessarily encoded on the X chromosome. But many other things are and that is the problem. To function correctly, cells must maintain a balance of the products that come from their chromosomes. For most chromosomes there are always 2 copies. But when you consider males and females there is an imbalance. … Read more
Squashes are dicots - so too are their seeds. If you sprout the seeds you will see 2 leaves as opposed to 1. That is the difference. Cotyledon = seed leaf - so you can have 2 and be a dicot or 1 and be a monocot. Grasses and lilies are monocots and their flower … Read more
answered question
That is a long answer. Schwann cells form the myelin sheath along the axon of a neuron. Schwann cells and the myelin sheath have lipids in their membranes (the phospholipid bilayer) and they are poor conductors of electrical signals. As a neuron fires, a wave of depolarization propagates down the axon to the next neuron. … Read more
First, there is no hard and fast rule concerning the relative production and consumption of oxygen. Plants can only produce Oxygen when light is available hence they do not produce it at night. Further, the only other requirement to produce Oxygen is the availability of water (this is where the oxygen comes from). In fact … Read more