You really shouldn't need to help him. My dog sort of figured it out on his own. Just wait a little while. If nothing happens maybe he is still too young. My dog was just shy of one year old.
I like being random. I finished my play Snafu and am writing a sequel called Vertigo. After this I shall write the story about the vegetarian named Payton who is being stalked by the cult of Renfield-like creepies. It'll be awesome.
The only problem is I really enjoy writing things in a play format, because my "creative writing ninja genious" is better at dialogue than at much of anything else.
So, I think I'll put the tale of Payton and his demonic stalkers on the backburner and write a short play about teenage drama and hate. I think I'll change the name eventually, but for now it's called "Footloose and Fancy-Free," which is an old-fashioned phrase I got out of my dictionary of phrase and fable.