answered question
I was taking good care of my husband and I was wiling to give him anything he wanted. I wasnt neglecting him . He has since said over and over it had NOTHING to do with her being better prettier or smarter. She thought she could get him to leave me and targeted him. He … Read more
answered question
I just don't understand why men get married, tell their wives they love them and then flirt with other women until the other woman thinks they love them and can't leave? If their sex is good at home and their wife works hard and they have nice kids, why do they tell some single woman … Read more
Some cartilidge is very slow to heal and all joints have cartiledge. Joints have fluiod that is in the joint so it moves smotthly when it gets injured the whole comples process needs to repair.
All Newborns have different sleep needs. If you are breastfeeding they will wake up more frequently. Cows milk/Formula digests differently and they need to eat about every four hours. Breastfeeding humans and monkeys are "continuous feeders" so the milk digests more easily and they frequently will want to nurse more often. It is still the … Read more