I checked online very briefly and there are several suppliers in many different countries. You should be able to find a source fairly easily. The best one for you will depend on where you are located and how much you want.

Dear John,
Here is my letter to you. I can write it in an informal manner. I can say whatever I want. The letter can be any length, although about half a page would be good for your assignment. I assume that's why you are asking. Don't copy this letter. Write one in your own … Read more
How far a bullet flies. How long it will take you to hit the ground if you jump off of a cliff. How high a ball bounces. These are probably the simplest to conceptualize.
Of course he can, but why would he want to?
You'll spend a lot of time in the bathroom.
Many many people (probably the majority of non-Christians) DO believe that Jesus existed. It's not a matter of whether he existed or not. The distinction is that they just believe he was a man, but do not believe that he was holy or the son of God (any more than anyone else is). There is … Read more
Texas is about 261,797 square miles. England is about 50,346 square miles. You could fit about 5 Englands into Texas.
All of The Philippines is GMT+8, but the U.S. Has 6 time zones: Hawaii & the Aleutian Islands = -10 Alaska = GMT-9 West Coast = GMT-8 Mountain = GMT -7 Central = GMT -6 Eastern = GMT -5 So The Philippines is anywhere from 13 to 18 hours ahead of the United States.
Anywhere from 16 to 18 hours depending on which bus you take. But it's only a 10-hour drive if you go in a car. Look on craigslist (www.craigslist.org) under the city "Atlanta" and then under "rideshare" and you may find someone who is going there and can take you.
I believe it's a kind of flute. Check google. It may mean other things in other languages too.
Yes, to direct your attention on something is "to dwell" on it. Like saying "don't dwell on this question for too long". But it also means "to stay or reside somewhere". Like saying "a bear would like to dwell in a cave". It's the verb form of the noun "dwelling".
That would depend on who you are, so this is impossible to answer. It is a very useful language to know due to it's prevalence in many fields of interest and/or research. But that doesn't necessarily make it "important". As with many languages, there is a rich literary tradition which one can tap into. But … Read more