There are too many variables unfortunately to say for sure, and it also depends on the ancestry of the mom and dad. Some facts for you: Brown eyes- the most re-occurring eye colour, green eyes are the least occurring colour, brown eye colour is dominant (includes hazel, and shades of brown), blue eye colour is … Read more
answered question
Well if pregnant you require more calories. Perhaps if you are far enough along the baby may not be giving you enough room to fill up all the way and you are left feeling hungry. In that case eat smaller more frequent meals to get the calories your body is craving. Or you may need … Read more
answered question
You ovulate about 10-14 days after the first day of your period (although some women ovulate after 14 days and some before 10 this is the 'normal' range). The process of ovulation is an egg being released from your ovaries and travelling to your fallopian tube. Once there it waits for fertilization. If it is … Read more
Well if you are still breastfeeding occasionally, even as sparse as every 3-4 days you will keep producing milk. Other than that milk production should stop with a stop in demand. Although I have been on forums where there were a couple of stories where mothers who had previously breastfed, stopped, but then had been … Read more
It does nothing to a woman per say, unless in intercourse there is no condom or birth control and conditions are right then the woman may become pregnant. Or if there is a sexually transmitted disease from the man it can enter a woman during intercourse and be present in the fluid.
This depends on how far along in the pregnancy. Generally the first trimester (months 1-3) the baby (called an embryo now) grows from a grain of rice, looking not'so babyish with a larger head and tail to having arm/ leg buds, smaller head, at 1inch long (baby is considered fetus at 11 weeks), to the … Read more
answered question
A fetus does begin making movements as early as 7 weeks. It is different when each woman feels her baby move for the first time though. The average is 18-20 weeks, although some women feel later such as 22 weeks (usually first time mothers) or some women feel earlier such as 16 weeks. I felt … Read more