I don't know, the others are right but I've always heard and used it as reference to the erection most men wake with. (men become erect while they sleep, not sure what period it develops in, but yeah..)
More specifically the portion of the penis leading up to the "head" or tip of it.
I've a similar problem with my 300zx, started happening soon after I bought it and I was convinced it was the tranny. But come to find out, after installing a rebuilt 2100 dollar transmission that my CATs are bad. Have a muffler shop check it out because clogged catalytic converters, or probably catalytic converter in … Read more
As much as you can, just to be safe lol. Really though, heroin? Not a good idea.
And try exercising some to get your blood moving through your liver and kidneys to help purge it faster.
But yeah, good luck:)
There's a lot more to loosing weight than just working out. And theres a lot more to just "working out" to loose weight.
A little bit of research can go a long way, and I suggest Livestrong.com, theres a ton of free information and people there that may help you.
But my advice to you … Read more
Yeah, very very bad idea. Do not attempt that, lol. I couldn't even tell you the safe water to bleach ratio to ingest, and even if I knew I do know that it's only to help clean the water of harmful bacteria.
Best bet is to drink a lot of tap/bottled water and exercise a … Read more
Are you kidding me? Lol, quit reading into what the media tells you and what the scale says.
Look in the mirror. Really..
But if you want my honest opinion you're underweight, there's no way in hell, again in my opinion, that you're by any means over weight.
Hope this helps and have a good … Read more
The person who answered before me is right, though I just wanted to add that you should lift weights regularly as well. It doesnt have to be heavy body building lifting, just something to get your heart pumping and your muscles a bit tired.
For every pound of muscle you put on you burn something … Read more
If they are both clean, and would both pass the test on their own, then yeah. There wouldnt be any reason why they couldn't pass together.
Though I'm not sure why you would want to mix two clean urine samples to pass a drug test in the first place lol.