Just talk to her and tell her how you feel about it. After you guys talk try to understand her side of the story and put it in the past. She probably feels very bad and guilty about what she did and for you to ignore her and find her disgusting can really hurt her … Read more
Your stomach could be acting acting up for many reasons. One could be a sign of pregnancy but you can't always jump into conclusions. You should get a pregnancy test first.
That could be a sign of pregnancy but you need to go and get a pregnancy test to be sure.
I think its important if you stick to your beliefs, you dont have to convert to a different religion to prove you love your partner. If you believe that converting is going to bring you closer together then go for it but it is not necessary.
Read a book or start some hobbies. Do something bc kids get into trouble when their bored
Its all indirect activity.. Look at him in the eye (don't stare), give him a nice quick smile and start biteing your lips (just to distract him aliitle). By the time the night ends he will be drooling to get your attention