Don't use either they put viruses on your computer! But you can use club penguin or weeworld.
NO!!! Why would anyone think that? Anyway if you read the bible it says that the snake tempted adam and eve with the fruit and for punishment god took away the snakes legs so that it would have to pull itself everywhere.
My brother is 3 years younger than me and its so annoying because he always gets what he wants. If he annoys you I've learnt that is you don't respond then they get bored. Or talk a lot about boring stuff like physics or algebra.
But as for the listening... It just doesn't mean a … Read more
I think they just like to make us unhappy. You should meet my dad. He is so boring, lazy and annoying.
Weeworld or Club Penguin would be the best. Don't try IMVU because it gives your computer viruses and a lot of them my whole system crashed.