The area formula of a square is:       A = lw   or since the length and width of a square are the same... A = s2 Using the second formula: 36 = s2 6 = s after taking the square root of each side The formula for the perimeter is:       P = 2l + 2w  or again since … Read more
No... Since the sum of the 3 interior angles is 180 degrees. If there are 2 obtuse angles, then the sum of those two angles is already greater than 180 degrees even before looking at the 3rd angle. Honestly... If you try to draw it, you will notice that it is just not possible to … Read more
The exterior angle inequality theorem is a triangle theorem.   Since we know that the exterior angle = the sum of the 2 remote interior angles by a previous theorem (the exterior angle theorem)... We know then that the exterior angle must be larger than either of the angles that need to be added. It's like … Read more
answered question
I think I understand your question.  You are comparing the y-intercept value from each of the equations... Right? I believe that the easiest way to compare y-intercept values is to put each of the equations in the slope-intercept form -->  y = mx + b  (b is the y-intercept) So... 3x + y = -3 will become... Y … Read more
The use of statistics is almost everywhere... The planning of roads, speed limits, red light and speed bump placement, insurance premium calculations, the us census, voting districts, new product marketing, ... And the list goes on...
A numerical coefficient is a number that comes before the x variable in a mathematical sentence.   Ex:  5x2 - 2x + 10 The 5 and the -2 are numerical coefficients and the 10 is a constant term.  Be sure to pay attention to the sign of the terms... The positive and negative are part of … Read more
There isn't a line segment pictured, but a line segment is always named after its endpoints.  So if the segment begins at point C and ends at point R, then its segment CR.  Its hard to show on here but CR would have a little line over it to show that its a segment.
Meters squared: -means that there are 2 dimensions (a length and width) measured in meters -it represents the number of flat squares (1m by 1m) that would be needed to cover a flat area... Think how many flooring tile that would be needed to cover the kitchen floor meters cubed: -means that there are 3 … Read more