A good puppy food, and lots of fresh water. The dry food has all the mineral and vitamin needs, and try not to feed from the table. Dogs need to develope good eating habits like people. Too much eats, not enough exercise, means fat puppy, and vet bills. Good luck
Depends on how many dogs you have. 30 lbs. Of dog food lasts me a week, and I feed a half pound a day. Depending on the breed, you may feed about a quart ( 1lb) at each feeding for large breeds, and considerably less for small dogs.
Depends on the age. You can find all the answers in a puppy care book at the pet store, or buy one online. If you get stumped, ask a friend who has a dog, or call your vet. Make the vet questions important. Food, water, and love, with training will make a happy puppy as well as owner. Your vet care … Read more
Parvo which is usually fatal in pups, can last for years, in your home or kennel. If you have had parvo you must sanitize everything thoroughly, using bleach and discard all bedding, toys, and anything else the affected animal may have been in contact with. If the dog survived, you still must do the cleaning. Parvo is highly … Read more
Is she a first time mother? She may be aggressive in cleaning them. Somme times mothers will worry over the length of the umbilical cord, and bite at it till it is very short.
Pretty muck. Parasites come from the mother, and are passed through the stool, as she ingests it. She will re-infest herself and the pups. Start a deworming schedule before the pups are born and give a dewormer every 2 weeks for the first 12 weeks.
Right after whelping your mama may get very protective. She may or may not let Anyone near the pups. She will need to be fed and watered with free choice. Hang a water bottle for her rather than risk pups crawling into a bowl. She will lick and lick til you think she will lick … Read more
You have to remember the period of time the Battle of Gettysburg took place. Summer in Pennsylvania , without air conditioning and modern conveniences was no vacation. Reading accounts of the summer battle indicates that by the time the Confederates had reached Gettysburg, they were battle worn and in need of shoes, clothing and supplies. … Read more
The canine cycle is usually 7 days coming into heat, 7 days in heat and 7 days going out. The most likely time for successful breeding if you want pups, or accidental if you don't want them is day 12 to day 16. I use this as a rule of thumb for my chihuahuas and … Read more