I'd say geoff Goldblum . When he gets that angry stare going, like on the fly,it's enough to put the wind up you!
They are the most singular beautiful creature in the insect world, but if the peter cushing film, The BloodBeast terror is anything to go by, such insects are quite hideous up close. I wouldn't like them to be ten feet across, chasing humans, what for a lack of a natural diet. Can you imagine the … Read more
Try the original haunting 1961. What a flick! Or the legend of hell house. Or th spiral staircase from 1948. The house on haunted hill with vincent price is another old that has some scares.
Try the haunting. The original. Watch in the dark. Or The legend of hell house, a good English film.That'll knock your socks off! Or try the spiral staircase. Again the original. They all bring something for the viewer to see and have great atmosphere but that beats all. Don't be put off by the age … Read more
You're not supposed to kill the benign ones. If it's dangerous then yes by all mean eradicate it from the face of the earth. The best way to do this would be to take an elastic band, one of those thick strong suckas used for bundling money, slice it in half and flick one end … Read more
The original The Haunting of course. You never see anything as such, but boy does it leave it up to the imagination! It's like seeing something from the tail end f your eye, it's thee until you look directly at it, and there's nothing! Give the haunting a whirl. Not the updated version mind you … Read more
I have one which has great atmosphere. The Spiral staircase, the original from the 40's is far superior to what is out there now. Give it a whirl. The house on haunted hill is another. The Vincent Price version. Vertigo is brill for tension and suspense.
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I'm sorry to disappoint, but the film I recall is title-less. I remember it good and it scared the bejusus out of me. But then, I was young. It's old, black and white, and I think it was English. There was an actor in it, but for the life of me I don't recall his … Read more