In the year 1848, a man named James Marshall was building a mill for another man called John Sutter on the American River. During his task, James Marshall happened to find gold. The news of the gold spread quickly all around the region and by the next year, which was 1849, many people had started … Read more
It was during the 1840's that a lot of Americans started to believe that all the land between the Pacific ocean and the Atlantic ocean should be ruled by the United States. The very notion was termed as the Manifest Destiny. In the middle of the decade of the 1840's, which was the year 1845, … Read more
It was in the year 1835 that the Texas Revolution took place. There were several factors that led to this revolution. Firstly the rules and regulations that the Mexican government had adumbrated for the Americans to follow (all of those Americans who would be staying in the American colony of Texas) were not followed by … Read more
After becoming a doctor, Elizabeth Blackwell (who was the first woman doctor in America) decided to move to Europe to practice medicine there as according to her, there were greater opportunities in Europe for female doctors than in the United States. Her surmise proved to be right as she worked in England and France and … Read more
Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor in the United States. It sounds like an implausible figment of one's imagination but it was a reality that initially women were not allowed to become doctors in the United States. Whatever meager education that they achieved was only related to housework such as cooking and sewing activities … Read more
Dorothea Dix was one of the major contributors to the reform movements in the context of prison life. Her visit to one of the prisons was the prime factor that motivated her to work for the betterment of the prison living conditions. Many of the people that Dix found there were suffering from mental disorders … Read more
The Declaration of Sentiments was framed by two advocates of the women's rights movement namely Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. These women, during one of the conferences in Seneca Falls, New York, presented the Declaration of Sentiments. This particular document was in stark resemblance to the Declaration of Independence (which became the basis for … Read more
It was with the insistence on behalf of the religious groups that the abolition movement first began. The Quakers were the pioneers of the abolition movement who started the carriage of their purpose in the year 1776. Soon after other religious leaders followed suit and joined the abolition movement and played their part in fighting … Read more
To foster a prosperous and democratic nation, it was immensely necessary for the people of the United States to be well-educated and well-informed about national issues and whatever problems had been taking place in the country. But this could only have been possible if the education system of the United States was promising enough to … Read more
Prior to the period of Andrew Jackson's presidency, Congress had passed some specific tarriff laws, that marked the promulgation of taxes on imports, which made products from the European nations and some other counties much more expensive. It was a major source of displeasure and annoyance for the South. Nevertheless it was Andrew Jackson's vice-president … Read more
The first and foremost difference between a formal business sector and an informal business sector is the fact that a formal business sector employs the personnel formally and officially with the involvement of the institution. On the contrary, an informal institution involves the principle of self-employment. Secondly a formal business sector is capital-intensive with a … Read more
Privatization has been promoted in Pakistan since the year 1991. Moreover globalization and the increasing popularity of a market economy are two other factors that have strengthened the importance of the private sector in Pakistan. As for the objectives of the private sector, the first objective revolves around the prospect of creating better opportunities for … Read more
Basically the balance of payment is the difference between the value of exports of a country and the value of imports of a country. For Pakistan, the current balance of payment represents a negative figure, which elucidates the fact that the value of Pakistan's imports is much greater than the value of Pakistan's exports. A … Read more
There is a huge and severe need to increase exports in Pakistan, which could further contribute towards decrease the deficit in the balance of payments. Firstly the export of value-added goods could be a suitable strategy to increase the demand of Pakistani goods in the international market, which would motivate the local producers to export … Read more
Atlanta Compromise was a famous speech delivered by notable African American leader Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington was one of the major contributors for African Americans in the field of education. He had great concern for the plight of discrimination that African Americans faced in the American society even after the abolition of slavery. … Read more
It was after the end of the American Civil War that the government of the United States allowed the southern states to join back the Union on the condition that they would accept the freedom of African Americans and would pledge their loyalty to the government of the United States. The Reconstruction era began during … Read more
The African Americans were one of three major players who controlled the South in the era of Reconstruction that followed the American Civil War. Although their role was not that enormous as compared to the Scalawags and the Carpetbaggers, who were the other two main players in the Reconstruction era in the South, their presence … Read more
There were five components of the Reconstruction Act that was passed in the year 1867. The first component involved the ruling that any state governments in the South, which were not created under Lincoln's plan or Johnson's plan were null and void as far as the federal guidelines were concerned. Secondly, all of those who … Read more
Black Codes were a set of laws passed by the Southern states after they joined the Union back again in the aftermath of the surrender of the Confederate Army, which put a permanent end to the American Civil War. Coming back to the Black Codes, this became a prime source of anger and opposition for … Read more
The Radical Republicans were that part of the Congress who gainsaid with the Reconstruction Plan of President Lincoln in the aftermath of the American Civil War. However after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, his Vice President Andrew Johnson took over as the next president of the United States. His viewpoints and strategies were more in … Read more