You may want to consider consulting a doctor, while not menstruating at 15 is not unheard of, it is not normal and you would be as well getting it checked out. Average age to start menstruating is 12 years old. No it is absolutely not safe to "practice" with tampons prior to your first period. … Read more
Things you will need: Pen, Paper, Envelope, Your bank account number, Your home address. Optional Items: Dictionary - to check spelling, Stamp - If your not going to hand the letter into the bank personally.
State in the letter who you are, what your bank account number is, your address for them to send the … Read more
You can't. And by the fact that you are asking in a place like this how to do it:- you never will. Which is just as well really, because you are way too far down the intelligence meter to be let loose with those kinda skills. Give up the dream and go back to school.
It is rarely used, but it is just "Com" as in "inter-com" used for Internal Communication
Or if you want shiny I would recommend an enamel paint. Whatever you use make sure it's durable as light switches generally get more contact than most painted surfaces. I would also recommend taking the plate off and painting it, this way you can get into all the sides of the switch easily. You may … Read more
Erm...that would be 1GB, or 1024MB or 1,048,576KB or 1,073,741,824 Bytes or 8,589,934,592 bits of memory space.
Post Codes are the UK equivalent of Zip Codes. If you are being asked for this then you are on the UK version of hotmail. Check the URL address at the top of your browser window and see if the part between the www and the first / ends in try deleting this and everything after … Read more
That sounds a lot like a rhetorical question. My opinion is that society is at fault. It has become dependant on breading fear in the masses in order to inhibit free will and inducting a conscious ideal that "big brother knows best". As such acts of localised social disruption are more tolerated then they would … Read more
The Relational Model is a depiction of how each piece of stored information relates to the other stored information. It shows how tables are linked, what type of links are between tables, what keys are used, what information is referenced between tables. It's an essential part of developing a normalised database structure to prevent repeat … Read more