Because you are two beautiful.
I heard Habbo is pretty good
Huh=what did you say
You count the number from the right to left.
One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand.
123564756 the hundred thousand will be at the 5 once you find that, look to the right of the 5 if the number to the right of the 5 is 5 or higher, you increase the number in … Read more
All other religion that you are not part of.
PC : Personal Computers
Mainframe : Computers with large Hard Drives, lots of Memory (RAM), multiple CPU running together, does lots of computing depending upon the speed of processors used and memory used.
Super Computer : A computer with lots of processors, ALUs, Memory (RAM), etc. Usually in scientific research work. Capability … Read more
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It's someone you and another friend have in common and he's not on your friends list
Becuz they can't stand the fact that we can be happy without them.
To make you realize how you would feel without him
He stares at you to confirm that fact that he doesn't like you.
That he is an asshole but hey thats what you girls like.